The future starts now

SAICTA – The South Africa Information and Communication Technology Association – is a non-governmental, non-profit professional body dedicated to unifying ICT collaboration among businesses, organisations, and other industry entities to promote and advance the ICT sector both in South Africa and the African continent.
Become a member today

SAICTA Objectives
In promoting ICT collaboration, we bring together like-minded individuals, sharing their experiences, knowledge, and ideas of a rapidly evolving ICT environment. By doing so, we offer a wide range of value-added products and services to ICT professionals who are members as individuals or representing their businesses or corporations.
SAICTA Membership
Membership is open to all ICT professionals, businesses and multinational corporations operating in South Africa,
South African Chambers of Commerce and related bodies, as approved by the SAICTA President’s Council.
- Networking
- Tailored Support
- Skills Enhancement
- Advocacy and Representation
- Access to Local Opportunities
- Community Development
- Contribution to the Ecosystem
Membership of SAICTA provides every IT professional and business with a targeted, South African-specific support system where the shared connection with peers, thought leaders and other vital players in the sector ultimately contributes to the advancement of the South African information technology community and the country as a whole.